Wednesday, May 18, 2016


5 Tips To Stay Safe On Facebook Just Save Trick

Always check Privacy Settings To Stay Safe On Facebook

Facebook updates their Privacy settings regularly. To confirm more safety on Facebook, you must have to follow latest privacy settings. After login, privacy or personal privacy-related menu options can be found in  at the top of the site’s.

Use Strong Password

You should use a strong password for your Facebook Id. Don’t use common passwords such as your name, you birth date or your address, that can be hacked easily. Set long and strong passwords using uppercase lowercase numbers and special characters in it.

Beware to Select Friend

You must beware to select a friend on Facebook. It’s good to reject unknown person’s friend requests. If you still want to accept unknown request then study their account before make accepts. An unknown person can spy your information, can miss using your photos. Sometimes after added they will make spam. If you notice any kind of unnecessary activities then delete them from your friend List. I highly recommended you to reject an unknown request.

Beware To Using Apps

A variety of applications is made for easily using Facebook. Many games apps fun apps are increasing your Facebook experience. But many other bad guys can cleverly hack or spy all privet information via Facebook apps. So, before using any application on Facebook you should confirm the apps don’t create any post to your friend”s wall or inbox. Stay out from using unknown Facebook apps.

Beware From Phishing Sites

Don’t share your Facebook id or password to any kind of third party site. Before you clicked on someone’s shared link make sure to check this link. Phishing Sites are exactly like the Facebook site. So that the user is confused and put their Facebook ID and password to log in. To get rid of this trouble, you need to check the URL before login. And that double check will protect you from unwanted security hole.


This is a short tip in 5 steps that how you can increase your Facebook account security. Hope you guys get help from this article. If you have any additional question about Facebook security or any kind of online security then just leave you comments bellow. Thanks.


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